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Original vintage 1960s Heuer Master-Time Eight Days dash rally stopwatch advertisement.


Dimensions: roughly 8.25 inches wide by 11.75 inches high


Heuer has a deep history rooted in motorsports racing, despite facing difficulty selling wristwatch chronographs in the early 1970’s.  In fact, Heuer’s stopwatches, the leader in track timing at the time, vastly outsold its wristwatches used for motorsports timing at the time.


Heuer's Master Time 8-day clock had the longest run of any of the dash-mounted Heuers, tracing its history back to the Hervues of the 1930s.  Heuer first used the “Master Time” name in 1958 and the clock continued in production until 1985, making the transition from metal cases to plastic and from mechanical movements to quartz.  


For rally timing, the early Hervue clocks were paired with Autavia stopwatches on a double back-plate.  Later, the Master Time 8-day clock was paired with a Monte Carlo 12-hour stopwatch to create the Rally-Master pair. 


By the 1960s, the Rally-Master pair had evolved to become nearly standard equipment in all rally teams of the 1960s.  Except for, well, Seiko...


After being produced for over 50 years, Heuer discontinued production of the Master Time 8-day clock in 1985.

1960s Heuer Master-Time Eight Days Dash Rally Stopwatch Advert

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